


To fill out and pay using our online membership formclick here.

Club Events

Our Club Days and Practice Days are generally held on a Sunday. Sometimes they are held on other days to enable us to still hold regular club events. Sign in is normally 7.00am with Riders Briefing held at 8.00am and racing commencing immediately after that. Attendance at Riders Briefing is compulsory for all riders. Flag

Marshalls are an essential part of providing a safe riding environment. Therefore, if we do not have enough Flag Marshalls, the event may have to be cancelled. Please bring someone with you to fulfil this obligation. If you do not have a National Competition licence, day licences are also available for purchase at our events. A non-competitive licence is currently $35.00 and a competition licence is currently $75.00.


In order to participate in any type of racing or practice day events, you must have a licence.

National Competition licences are available via the Motorcycling Victoria website.[